Culture and Tourism

Ardahan, which is a point of transition from Asian Continent to Anatolia, has caused great conflicts between the states located in this region throughout the history, as a result of which, it had to change control at all times.  Urartians, Scythian Turks, Seljuks and Ottomans are the major civilisations that lived in this locality.
As typical for any other region of the country, Ardahan has its own charms and traits, which contain a huge cultural heritage that distinguishes it from the rest.  The people of the locality who were invaded by Russians, Armenians and Georgians during the last days of the Ottoman Empire and thus, had to live in captivity for years, never compromised from their own culture and ways, but conveyed them to the present day, as a whole and intact.

Local Folk Dances

Almost the same dances are staged in various districts of Ardahan, which are generally accompanied by music made with drums and horns, with the exception of Caucasian dances, where accordeons and a special type of drum called nagara are used. Halay and bar dances are common in the territory, which are among the essential requirements of any wedding, engagement party and military service departure, as a sincere expression of feelings like sadness or joy. The following are the dances mainly favoured by the public across the region.

BAR DANCES: Ağır bar, Sallama, Temur ağa, Nare, Lorke, Şeker oğlan, Sarı seyran, Kaççıke, Tavuk barı, Gazelo, Hoş bilezik,Haran, Döne, Kıskarç, Kürdün kızı, Ardahanın yolları, Hafif bar and Paşa göçtü.

SOLO DANCES: Ondört, Şeyh şamil, Ay gızı, Beş açılan, Karabat, Hanım yaylada.
Local Cuisine (Gastronomy)
Ardahan's cheddar cheese has a nationwide reputation. Apple dolma, evelik meal, bozbas, kuymak, bread meal and halva are the most famous types of dishes.
Local Dishes
Flour soup
Kesma Meal
Höre Meal
Cinar soup
Kelemkeşir soup
Puşruk Meal
Ayran Soup
Milk Soup
Evelik Soup
Pisirik Meal
Tripe Soup
Handicrafts and Souvenirs
Hand-woven rugs and carpets as well as silver processing are the primary handicrafts practiced in the city. Silver belts, circlets and ornaments are among the most favourite souvenirs of travellers either paying a visit to or passing by the district.

Locally Produced Handicrafts
Ğurcun (sack)
Local folkloric infant apparels
Travel Bags
Straw Sheets
Wool Socks
Baby Shoes
Local Dantelas
Horse Riding Tools
Carpet Designs
Lezgi kazağı

Rugs have many custom designs, to bring a difference.